Peter S. Smith of Westford, MA

1939 - 2021

US Veteran United States Navy


November 30, 2021
10:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M.
Dolan Funeral Home


November 30, 2021
11:00 A.M.
Dolan Funeral Home

PETER S SMITH – Pete Smith (Mahar), 82, of Westford, MA passed away peacefully November 19th, 2021, surrounded by his loving family at his home. On June 29th, he celebrated 58 wonderful years with his wife Carol. He was born in Newport, NH, Sept 17th, 1939 and raised by his adopted parents Everett and Mary Mahar, of Stoneham, MA. He graduated from Stoneham High in 1957. After graduation, he served in the Navy until 1960, and is a Korean War Veteran. He studied to become and earned rank to 2nd Class Machinist Mate aboard the USS Mann.

Pete had an extensive career in the tool & die trade where he learned the trade from the ground up as an apprentice and ultimately owning his own business, Sheffield Progressive Inc of N Reading, MA. He had many, many friends and contacts in the trade, with whom he enjoyed all the friendships and bonds made.

Pete enjoyed many activities outside of work including his time in Sunapee, NH where he loved to play tennis, swim in the lake, go to the yacht club, ski, and spend time with friends, family, and grandchildren. At home, he loved to work in the yard, restore furniture in his shop, plus many other wood working projects for friends and family. Pete loved to go fly fishing in his spare time and deep-sea fishing with his children and grandchildren.

Pete was an active member of the West Chelmsford United Methodist Church where he served on the board of trustees. He attended services regularly and loved the Lord with all his heart. In his later years, he enjoyed being involved in community service and provided donations from Panera Bread to the Lowell Transition Center weekly.

Besides his loving wife, Pete is survived by Tania J Frost & her husband Mark of Nashua, NH; Jeffrey B Smith and his life partner, Cynthia A Mrouse, of Brooklyn, CT. Pete had many grandchildren and “adopted” grandchildren including Darren, Leah & Grayson, Drew, Tiffany & Damian, Abigail, Carissa, Nathan, Christian, & Jayson, Megan & Nicole; and his great-grandchildren, Finnley, Emmalyn, Mackenzie, Natalie, & Izaac. He also had a half-sister Judy Pelletier of Gorham, ME. Pete also had a great love and closeness with extended family and leaves several brother and sister in laws and many nieces and nephews.

Pete had so many friends and loved ones throughout his life including his best friend from his navy years, Gene Domzalski. The family wishes to thank the many friends, family, and loved ones that helped and supported Pete & Carol for so many years. He will be missed by so many for his kindness, non-judgmental personality, and heart filled with caring.

Pete will be honored and memorialized at Dolan Funeral Home, 106 Middlesex St, N. Chelmsford, MA on November 30th, 2021 with visitation from 10 AM to 11 AM and service at 11 AM.

In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting memorials and donations in Peter’s name to the West Chelmsford United Methodist Church in W. Chelmsford, MA or BSONE — Burn Survivors of New England, c/o 10 Serenity Lane, Nashua, NH 03062.

15 Condolences for Peter S. Smith of Westford, MA

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    Carl Harris


    Pete was a friend that will live in my mind and heart forever. He was a man that helped me know where I belonged in my career.
    My heart goes out to Carol and all of his family. My friend forever.

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    Joyce ( LaPointe ) Buckinghamham


    My condolences to the family of Peter Smith. I remember him as a classmate from High School and I am so sad to see that he passed away. May he continue on a journey that will bring him peace and God Bless Him.

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    Mary Mitchell


    I am so sorry for your loss. I have so missed you and Pete and Max on Fridays delivering the Panera Bread to the Lowell Transitional Living Center. It was the highlight at the end of my week of work. And I got to be the blessed one to get to know you all. He had a kind soul and a big heart. Big hugs to you and the family. Xoxoxo his smile truly lit up his face

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    Edward St. Yves


    A true gentleman and good friend. He will be missed greatly.

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    Adele Tsoukaris


    There are no words for the impact that Peter on me. Such a classy gentleman. I always told him he reminded me of my dad. Peter you will be forever MISSED but NEVER FORGOTTEN. RIP my friend.

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    Gail Hennessey


    Pete was a hero to me. He had so many wonderful qualities, most important being caring, non-judgmental, hard working, optimistic and perseverant. Pete and Carol were the perfect couple: faithful, tolerant, patient and devoted. They brought out the best in each other and because of that, they were a magnet to attracting similar types. Pete’s commitment to his religious beliefs was the foundation for how he lived his life. I will never, ever forget him, a shining star.

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    Linda Dalessio


    Pete was so special to us, his friendship and loyalty like no other. Countless hours on the phone spent with comfort and care. This man has had an incredible journey. Many battles fought with the biggest heart.
    Our Love goes with you Pete.

    Linda and Paul

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    Abigail Smith


    Pete was my grandfather and as much as it hurts that he’s gone I’m glad he’s no longer in pain. I am so thankful for everyone who helped my grandfather and grandmother out. I appreciate all the wishes and love towards our family. Rest In Peace grandpa

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      Jeff Smith


      He loved you so much Abby and we all love him still. he’s in heaven, joining the team, God’s team, and we will see him again some day. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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        Cyndi Mrouse


        He loved his family so much and always such friendship & conpassion toward everyone he met. I was honored to have his a father law. He was a wonderful man. He will be missed. Rest in peace dad.

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    Roxann Nickerson


    So saddened to hear of Pete’s passing. I have such fond memories of our younger years as neighbors in Stoneham, times at Sunapee, square dancing, and family gatherings. My heart goes out to Carol and the family. Peace to you all. Roxann

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    Patricia A Bertrand


    Carol and Family,

    I am so sorry for your loss but grateful he is no longer in pain. My heart goes out to you. What a blessing to have been married to such a fine man for 58 years. I am here if you need anything, always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Patty B.

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    George Pessotti


    In 1979 my house in Westford Ma blew up, as I ran out of my home, a passerby pulled his car on my lawn and assisted EMT Bill MacMillan in saving my life. Forty years later I received a call from Pete’s nurse Robyn a burn survivors Mom whose son I counseled. She said there is a man who wants to talk to you. Low and behold Peter Smith came on the phone . I didn’t know about my second Angel that day. We met and struck up a friendship. Thank you Pete for helping save my life RIP
    George Pessotti

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    Judy Reid


    Forever in our hearts. So privileged to have known Peter and Carol since our days in ICA, 60 years ago. The friends we made then are our friends forever.
    So often his name was lifted in prayer for strength and healing by our congregation and so many times God answered, and I have shared his passing with them. We now pray for Carol and for his family for strength. He was the original Energizer Bunny having fought so many battles.
    After reading the comments, I was touched, but not surprised, to hear about a “gentle man” who leaves a wonderful legacy to his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
    You are now at rest.?
    Judy and Ben♥️

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    Stan & Charlene Bardzik


    We are so very sorry. We have made a donation to Burn Survivors of New England in Memory of Peter. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time!

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