Somsavath Deechaleune of Lowell

1969 - 2021

No Vistitation Date Scheduled


December 1, 2021
8:00 AM
Dolan Funeral Home

Somsavath Deechaleune, 52, of Lowell, MA died Saturday, November 27, 2021 at Lowell General Hospital.

Born in 1969, he was the son of the late Somdee and Keo Deechaleune.

He came to the United States in 1981 and became a U.S. citizen. He attended Bridgeport Public Schools.  He worked as an assembler for Fraen Corporation of Reading, MA.

He was a member of the Laotian Temple in South Lowell, MA.

He was an avid sports fan and especially loved the New England Patriots.

He is survived by his aunt Somnith Khamtha and husband Preecha of Cromwell, CT and his uncle Somsith Deechaleune and wife Chanthy of Methuen, MA as well as several cousins.

Somsavath’s Funeral will be Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 8AM from the funeral home with a procession to Merrimack Cremato[1]ry in Merrimack, NH. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041. Guestbook at



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  • Phone: (978) 256-4040
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Dolan Funeral Home serves greater Lowell and southern New Hampshire, including Chelmsford, N. Chelmsford, Tyngsboro, Westford, Dunstable, Dracut, Lowell, MA, Nashua, Windham, Hudson, NH.

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