Nakry Sem of Lowell, MA

1951 - 2024


June 21, 2024
1-2 P.M.
Dolan Funeral Home, 106 Middlesex Street, N. Chelmsford


June 22, 2024
8 A.M.
Wat Samaki Buddhist Temple, 85 Tyngsboro Rd., N. Chelmsford

Nakry Sem, a pillar of strength and compassion in Lowell, MA, peacefully passed away on June 13, 2024, at the age of 72.

Born in Battambang, Cambodia, Nakry embarked on a journey that would define his life’s purpose. Arriving in the United States in the early 1980s, he and his wife embraced a mission of profound kindness and support for Cambodian refugees. Their home in Lowell became a sanctuary, offering not just shelter but also the warmth of familial care and financial assistance to countless families in need.

A devout Buddhist, Nakry Sem’s faith was not just a belief but a guiding force that shaped his every action. His role as a minister at Trairatanaram Temple was a testament to his deep spiritual knowledge and unwavering dedication to the teachings of Buddha. Known for his mastery in creating traditional holy scripture tattoos, he adorned many with symbols of spiritual strength and protection.

Beyond his religious duties, Nakry also found solace in his garden, where he cultivated beauty and tranquility. Despite not having children of his own, he embraced the community’s youth with open arms, becoming a cherished father figure to many. His nurturing spirit and boundless generosity touched the lives of all who crossed his path, leaving an indelible mark of love and compassion.

Nakry leaves behind a legacy of selflessness and service that will continue to inspire generations. His presence in Lowell and beyond will be deeply missed, but his spirit of kindness and his teachings of compassion will live on in the hearts of those he touched.


Visiting hours Friday, June 21 from 1:00-2:00PM at DOLAN FUNERAL HOME, 106 MIDDLESEX STREET, N. CHELMSFORD, MA followed by a Buddhist service at Wat Khmer Samaki Santikaram at 5:30 PM. Funeral Saturday, June 22, 2024 starting at 8AM at Wat Khmer Samaki Santikaram.  Burial in Edson Cemetery, Lowell, MA. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041. Guestbook at

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  • Phone: (978) 256-4040
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Dolan Funeral Home serves greater Lowell and southern New Hampshire, including Chelmsford, N. Chelmsford, Tyngsboro, Westford, Dunstable, Dracut, Lowell, MA, Nashua, Windham, Hudson, NH.

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