How to Choose a Casket

funeral homes in Lowell, MA

When you start making funerary arrangements for a loved one who wanted to be buried in a traditional manner, one thing you will have to take some time to choose is the casket. You need to make certain that the casket you opt for is one that fits within your budget and that your loved one would have liked. If that is something that you want to learn a bit more about before making a purchase, there are some things that directors of funeral homes in Lowell, MA want you to remember.

Your budget will have an impact on the options you choose, so do take some time to look at the average rates of caskets. The costs can vary depending on a number of things. This can be the size, the materials it is made of, and the features it has. By doing a bit of research online into the costs of the caskets and by being sure that you know what you want to spend, you can start narrowing down your choices.

You want to think about size. A lot of times, people think that caskets are all the same size, but that is not the case. Caskets for people who weighed more than two hundred pounds have to be a bit larger. You can also find much larger options as well as caskets that are made for children and for infants.

Consider the material the casket is made of. There are lots of great wooden options, with cherry, walnut, and mahogany, being the most expensive. You can choose from pine, willow, or poplar for less expensive options, or from oak, maple, or birch for a medium cost. There are metal caskets you can choose, too, including steel, stainless steel, copper, and bronze. There are eco-friendly options, as well, which can be made of wicker and other soft woods that can easily break down with time.

Another consideration is whether to choose a gasketed or non-gasketed casket. A gasketed casket is protected from the elements with a rubber gasket, which works like a seal. It does delay the process of decomposition, though it cannot prevent it. For some people this is important, but do remember that this can add to the costs of the casket.

funeral homes in Lowell, MA

When deciding on the casket that you want to offer your loved one, all of these things are important to remember. You do not want to go over your budget, and you do not want to choose an option that cannot offer what your loved one needs, so do take the time to do a bit of research into the options you have. If you are ready to make a purchase or if you want to know more about caskets, you can reach out to a Lowell, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are here to answer all of the questions you have about this process. Give us a call right now to speak with one of our experts about this.

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