How to Choose Flowers for a Service

funeral homes in Lowell, MA

When getting ready to plan the service for a loved one, there are lots of different things you want to consider. One of these things is the flowers that you want decorating the space where the service will take place. That is not always an easy choice to make. If you do not know how to choose, here are some tips that directors of funeral homes in Lowell, MA want you to remember.

Think about the kind of service you want to have. This is a crucial part of making the right choice. The type of flowers you would choose for a traditional funeral or memorial service will likely not work as well for a celebration of life. Consider the different service options before you start so that you can narrow choices down.

Another thing to do is to have an idea of the budget that you have for the flowers. Some options, like funerary wreaths, can be more costly, so if you are working with a limited budget, you want to consider other types of flower arrangements. Be sure to do a bit of research into the different options and the average costs so that you can put together the kind of budget you will need.

You also want to take into consideration the preferences that your loved one would have had. If they did not like a particular kind of flower, you do not want to include it in any of the flower arrangements you have for the service. The same with any colors that they may not have preferred. You want to use options that the person would have chosen for themselves, so do take the time to consider this.

If your loved one was someone who did not like flowers, you may want to think about other kinds of decorations for the service. Many people opt for ribbons or even balloons. If you are not sure what would be appropriate for this kind of service, you can ask funeral directors for suggestions on what you can use instead. That can be a good way of finding decorations that do not include flowers.

funeral homes in Lowell, MA

Choosing flower arrangements for a loved one’s service is something you want to consider with care. You want to choose options that fit with the kind of service that you want to have for your loved one and that also fit the budget that you need. Also think about the kind of flowers that the person would have wanted. If you are not sure about what to choose or if you want to learn more about making arrangements for the person, you can reach out to a Lowell, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We have years of experience helping people plan the funerary services they want for their loved ones. Get started right now by giving us a call or by visiting us at our location to speak with one of our experts.

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