How to Write an Announcement of Death

After the death of a loved one, there are a number of ways to let people know of the loss. One of these options is to have an announcement of death. This is not like an obituary, which can sometimes confuse people. If you are the person in charge of writing the announcement but you have never written one before, there are some suggestions that can help you. Here are the things that providers of cremation services in Lowell, MA want you to keep in mind as you start writing the announcement.

It is important to read some examples of announcements of death to get a sense of the basic structure. You want to be able to see what kind of things you need to add and the tone that it should have. Providers of funerary services can help you with this, since they can show you examples of these announcements, and you can also look online to see some, as well.

You also want to remember that there is no biographical section in an announcement of death. This is something that can confuse people, too. You can have a brief mention of the what they did in life, but you do not want to add lots of details. The focus when writing this announcement is information about the death and the services that are planned.

Another thing that you want to keep in mind is that the tone of the announcement has to be the same as that of the service. If you want to have a celebration of life, for example, you will want to have a more lighthearted announcement. If you are having a traditional service, a somber announcement is the best option.

You will want to think about what you need to add to the announcement. The details of the death are important as are where the person lived and their birthdate. You want to also include the details of the services that you are planning, including the location, the date and time, and if there are any special requests. If you are having a celebration of life, you want to announce it here, too.

cremation services in Lowell, MA

When you start writing the announcement of death, you will want to keep all of these things in mind. You want to start thinking about the kind of things to include in the announcement. Keep in mind that you need to have all of the details of the service and that you want to include information about the death. You can share this kind of announcement online, which is an option that more and more people are choosing, or you can have it printed in a local paper. If you need a bit more help to get this done, you can always turn to a provider of cremation services in Lowell, MA like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We have years of experience and we can help you decide on the best options for your loved one. Give us a call right now.

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  • Phone: (978) 256-4040
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