Maintaining a Grave Marker

funeral homes in Lowell, MA

To keep a gravesite looking its best, you need to have an idea of how to maintain the grave marker. This can be more or less difficult depending on the kind of marker your loved one has on their gravesite. If you are not sure how to maintain the marker and want to make certain there are no issues with this process, there are some tips that directors of funeral homes in Lowell, MA want you to know.

To make sure that you do not cause the gravesite any damage, you want to inspect the marker before you start cleaning. If you see crumbling, cracking, or flaking, this can mean the marker is not stable enough to begin the cleaning process. If it is in good shape, you want to start gathering the right materials for the process. This includes turning to brushes with soft bristles and nothing abrasive. You do not want to use power-washing equipment and you do not want to use harsh chemicals like bleach because these can cause stains.

If you have a marble grave marker, you want to start cleaning it by wetting it with water. This is because the stone absorbs liquid and you do not want that liquid to be the cleaning solution. You want to see if there is algae or anything else growing on the marker. If there is, then you want to add a bit of ammonia to the water. Only do this if the marker is light in color, since ammonia can stain a dark marker.

For a granite marker, you can begin the process in the same manner but avoid using anything but water and detergent. You can add an ounce of detergent into five gallons of water to ensure that you can get the marker clean without staining it. Remember to rinse the marker completely after cleaning it and never clean the marker when it is dry. It can be a good idea to reach out to the provider of the markers for any questions you may have about this so that you do not damage the marker.

funeral homes in Lowell, MA

When getting ready to maintain the marker at your loved one’s gravesite, all of these tips can be important. You do not want to stain them by using harsh chemicals and you also do not want to have to stress over flaking the surface so use soft brushes to get the job done. It is important to consider reaching out for help if you are not sure where to begin or what the best cleaning strategies are. If you want to know more about grave markers, you can reach out to a Lowell, MA funeral home like us. We can offer the exact kind of guidance you need to start planning the exact kind of services you want for your loved one. You can give us a call right now or you can stop by our location to speak with one of our experts about the services we can offer.

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