Options for Scattering Remains

cremation services in Lowell, MA

When you start making funerary arrangements for someone who wanted to be cremated, you may start thinking about what you want to do with the cremated remains. There are lots of different options, so choosing is not always an easy process. To make certain that you know what to expect and what suits your needs best, providers of cremation services in Lowell, MA have some suggestions that can help.


Raking the cremated remains is an option that more and more people are turning to. It can be therapeutic to rake the remains through sand and to say goodbye to your loved one as you do so. There are raking gardens that many cemeteries have that can allow you to do this with the utmost privacy. Sometimes the cremated remains can be raked through the soil and sometimes through sand, so be sure to ask about the options you have if you have a preference. Sharing an anecdote of your loved one or a memory as you do this can bring the kind of closure you want.


cremation services in Lowell, MACasting the remains is perhaps the most popular option for scattering cremated remains. Casting involves releasing the remains into the air and allowing the breeze to take them away. Most locations allow for this, but if you would like to have the casting ceremony at a private location, you want to be sure to ask the owners if it is allowed. If you would like to do this at a park or at the beach, you may also have to ask for permission.


Another option you have when choosing to scatter the cremated remains of a loved one is to give them a water ceremony. A water ceremony involves scattering the cremated remains into a river, a lake, or even the ocean. It can be a beautiful ceremony and it can allow people to get the closure they need after the loss. You can tip the remains right into the water or you can lower the entire urn. If that is what you want to do, you have to remember to purchase an urn that is biodegradable. Biodegradable urns can be made of clay, wicker, sand, mud, and even seaweed. You can ask providers about the options you have.


When deciding on the best way to scatter your loved one’s cremated remains, you want to consider all of these options. Some of them may be better than others. If you are not sure which is the best for your loved one, you can ask for more information and see what suits you better. You can turn to a Lowell, MA cremation services provider like us. We are ready to answer any questions you have about scattering cremated remains, so do not hesitate to reach out to us. You can give us a call right now or you can stop by our location to speak with one of our experts about the options you have and what we offer our clients for their loved ones.


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