Preparing a Memorial Display

cremation services in Lowell, MA

When you start planning the kind of funerary services you want for a loved one, something that you may want to consider is the addition of a memorial display. This is something that can allow you to show people what your loved one was really like and what they enjoyed. If you would like to add one of these memorial displays to the service, there are some things you want to keep in mind. Here are the tips that providers of cremation services in Lowell, MA want you to remember.

Photos are always an important addition to the memorial display. You do want to include them in the display and you want to think about adding pictures that range throughout the life of the person, if possible. Some people choose to make the entire display with pictures, since this can make it easier to transport and set up. It can be an especially lovely touch to have a photo display at a graveside service so do remember that.

Think about the hobbies and the things that your loved one enjoyed doing. This can also help you put together the memorial display. If they loved playing a musical instrument, for example, you can have the instrument there or pieces of music that you knew they enjoyed playing. If they loved to do scrapbooking or quilting, why not have some of what they made present at the service so that people can see them? In the recent past, someone even had the entire location decorated with the quilts their loved one had made through their life. This can really display the passion and personality of their loved one.

Another thing to remember is to think about adding any collections that they may have had. If they collected figurines or stamps or anything of the kind, you want to consider adding a few of them to the memorial display. It can ensure that people know more about your loved one.

cremation services in Lowell, MA

You want to remember to be selective in the items that you choose for the display. Adding too many things can confuse people and can make them miss some of what you want them to know about the person. Choose a few items and pictures to include so that you can really showcase them.

As you start thinking about how to create a memorial display for a loved one, these are all things that you want to consider. Whether you prefer to have more pictures than anything else or whether you want to focus on your loved one’s favorite hobbies and passions, you can always put together a great display. If you are not sure about how to go about this or if you have questions about any funerary services, you can reach out to a Lowell, MA cremation service provider like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are ready to help you with all of the decisions you need to make after a loss. Give us a call right now or stop by our location.

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