Rules about Taking Photos at a Service

funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

When getting ready to attend the funeral or memorial service of a loved one, there may be etiquette rules you are not sure about. One common one that people have is whether or not they can take photos at the service of a loved one. If that is something that you are worried about, there are some things that directors of funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA want you to remember.


Something you want to keep in mind is that it is not appropriate to take pictures during the actual service. Some people choose to take photos of the location, especially from the outside, and that is fine, but not at the actual service. People will be grieving and will not want photos taken of them. You never want to take a photo of the casket, so if you do take pictures inside, you want to avoid that. If there is something in particular you want to take a picture of, like a flower arrangement or a memorial display, you want to ask for permission from the family so that you do not offend anyone.


Usually, you can take pictures at the reception, so that may be something you want to consider. You still want to ask for permission from the family of the deceased and from anyone you want to photograph. Keep in mind that people will be there to mingle and offer each other comfort, so you do not want to disturb anyone or be disruptive. Do not interrupt conversations or ask anyone to move around for a picture.


Keep in mind that just because you received permission to take the picture, it does not mean that you have that permission to post them on social media. It is so common now for people to share photos that you may not even think about it too much before sharing the photos from the service, but that is not something you want to do without permission. If you do get it, wait at least a day or two before posting them. The best thing you can do if you want to share the photos with loved ones is to send them privately.

funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

It is important to know what you can and cannot do during the service of a loved one. You do not want to have to worry about bothering anyone or offending them, so do not take pictures during the service. If you do want to take some during the reception, always ask for permission before doing so. If you have questions about attending a service or if you want to know more about funerary arrangements, you can reach out to a Tyngsborough, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are ready to help you with the exact services that you may want for a loved one who has died and we can answer any questions you may have. Give us a call right now or visit us today.

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