Types of Funerary Services

cremation services in Lowell, MA

When making arrangements for a loved one who died, it can help to know a bit about the options that you have and what each one can offer. There are many different options, which can make things complicated if you do not have an idea of what your loved one would have wanted. If that is something you are dealing with, there are some tips from funeral homes in Lowell, MA wants you to know.

A wake is an option you have. A wake can offer the chance to say goodbye to your loved one and to see the person one more time. It can take place before the funeral or memorial service or it can take place on its own. A wake is made up of two parts, which include the viewing and the visitation. The viewing is when people get to see the casket and say their goodbyes. The visitation happens afterward when people get a chance to offer their condolences to the family of the deceased.

You also have the choice of a funeral service. A funeral service is a more traditional option and can work best for people who wanted sometimes classic. It can be religious or secular and it can be led by a religious leader or by a celebrant. A funeral service can take place in a place of worship, a funeral home, or even in someone’s home. Usually, the casket is present because the body will be taken to be buried or cremated right after the service.

Another thing that you want to consider is a memorial. If you have a memorial service, you can get service without having to rush to make the arrangements. This is because the casket is not present and so there is no need to hurry. If you like, you can have the remains in the urn present, but you do not have to. These are all important things you want to recall.

You can also choose to have a celebration of life. A celebration of life honors the life of the person without only focusing on their death and you can ensure that you can give your loved one the kind of service they would have wanted. For someone who did not want to have a somber service, this can be a great option.

For veterans, a military funeral service is a solemn and dignified occasion that honors the life of a fallen service member. It is an opportunity for friends, family, and fellow citizens to pay their respects and show their support for those who have sacrificed so much. The funeral ceremony typically includes a procession to the cemetery, a religious service, and the playing of taps. Military funerals are open to the public, and anyone is welcome to attend.

cremation services in Lowell, MA

As you start choosing the kind of services you want for your loved one, it can be important to speak with an expert so that you can find the exact kind of options you want for the person. There are traditional options as well as newer ones that can ensure you can offer your loved ones the honor they deserve. We are here to help you with all of the arrangements you want to make so be sure that you reach out to us for guidance. Give us a call right now or visit us today to learn more.

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Dolan Funeral Home serves greater Lowell and southern New Hampshire, including Chelmsford, N. Chelmsford, Tyngsboro, Westford, Dunstable, Dracut, Lowell, MA, Nashua, Windham, Hudson, NH.

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