What to Know About Creative Services

funeral homes in Westford, MA

Giving your loved one the kind of funerary service they deserve might mean taking the time to plan a more unique service. You may not want to offer your loved one the kind of service that is standard. There are lots of things that you can do to make the service more unique. You will want to consider a few suggestions that directors of funeral homes in Westford, MA always recommend.


The location where you have the service is something that can easily make the service unique. If you do not want to have it at a funeral home or at a place of worship, you may want to consider other options. Lots of people choose to have it at home or to have it somewhere that meant something to their loved one. Since you do not have to worry about transporting the casket, you can really have the service anywhere you prefer.


funeral homes in Westford, MAOne option that you have is to choose a celebration of life instead of a memorial or funeral service. A celebration of life focuses on the life the person led and not only on their death. It can be like a celebration, with music, drinks, and even games. It can be the right option for people who did not like somber events and who would have wanted a more celebratory service. If your loved one was a child or an infant, this can also be a good choice.


Another thing you can do is decide on the kind of music you will have at the service. This is important. The music can help set the mood. If your loved one did not like religious or classical music, it can feel wrong to include that in the service, even if it is standard. Instead, think about options that the person would have wanted. You can put a playlist together or you can ask other relatives and friends to help you find the best options. This can create the kind of mood you want for your loved one.


Do think of the kind of pictures you want to have at the service. For some, having a formal portrait done is not what they may want. Instead, you may want to put together a collage of informal pictures or have people bring images of the person. You can make something truly unique with these images.


These are some ways that you can create a unique service for your loved one. You can think of other locations in which to have the service and you can consider the kind of music that your loved one would have wanted. There is no reason to give your loved one the same kind of service that other people have if that is not what you want, so do take time to consider the many options available. You can reach out to a Westford, MA funeral home like us. We are here to ensure that everything you choose is exactly what you would want for the person who died. You can stop by our location, or you can give us a call right now for more information on creative funeral options.


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