What to Know About Funerals

funeral homes in Westford, MA

If you are starting to plan the kind of funerary services you have for a loved one, you will want to know as much about the options as possible. There are some misconceptions out there about funerals and how and when you can arrange one, so it can make a difference to know a bit about this. To help you plan the right services, there are some things that directors of funeral homes in Westford, MA want you to keep in mind.


Something that you may not know is that you can have a funeral service whenever you want. Lots of people think that you can only have a funeral right after your loved one dies but that is not the case. If you want to have the casket present, then yes, you have to have the service quickly, but if you do not, then you can have it whenever you prefer. This is something that can be crucial for people to know so that you do not have to rush to make the arrangements that you want for your loved one while you are still dealing with the worst of the grief.


funeral homes in Westford, MAAnother thing to keep in mind is that you can still have a funeral service if you want to have the person cremated. This is not always something that people consider. You can have the service before the cremation is done if you want to have the casket present, or you can have it afterward if you prefer to have the urn present. There is no reason to feel limited in the options that you choose for your loved one.


People also tend to think that you need to have the person embalmed. That is not the case, either. If you want to have a viewing or an open casket at the service, then you do have to choose embalming services, but if you do not want to have these kinds of options, you do not have to. This can be important for people who are worried about the environment or who have a limited budget for funerary services.


Another thing that you may not know is that a coffin and a casket are not the same thing. A coffin is used mostly overseas for burials, and they are made up of six sides, with a tapering shape. Caskets are used in this country and they have four sides. By knowing that these are two different options, you will be able to make the right decisions for your loved one.


When you start planning the funeral service for a loved one, you want to be sure that you keep these misconceptions in mind. You want to know as much as possible about the options that you have so that you are not struggling to find the best options. If you want to get started planning the funeral service for a loved one, you can reach out to a Westford, MA funeral home like us. Our team is here to help you with all of the arrangements you need to make. You can give us a call today or you can visit us right now.


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