Funeral Home

funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

How to Prepare a Care Package

funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

One lovely way to let a family that has suffered a loss know that you are thinking about them is to send them a care package. A care package can be of lots of different sizes and styles and it can offer exactly the kind of thoughtfulness that people need after a death. If that is something that you want but you are not sure how to prepare this kind of package, there are some tips that directors of funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA want you to remember.

You need to have a good idea of the kind of money you want to spend on a care package. This can have an impact on the options you choose and even on the size of care package that you put together. Compare rates to see what the average costs of care packages are so that you can decide if it is better to prepare something yourself or to choose a package that is already prepared.

You want to also consider the kind of container you want for the package. This can depend on whether you are planning on delivering the package yourself or if you want to ship it. If you do want to ship it, you will need to choose a container that is sturdy but that is not too heavy, since that can add to the costs. If you are using a shipping company, you can even ask them about what they recommend for a care package.

Consider adding useful items to the package. Lots of times, people who are grieving can forget to buy simple items, like tissues. Include these kinds of things and even other toiletries so that those who are grieving do not have to rush off to make purchases. Many times, useful items can be the most important parts of the package.

funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

Think about adding comfort items, too. If you know the family enjoys a certain kind of candy or tea options, add those to the care package. People sometimes add bath salts and lotions, even candles, to encourage those who are grieving to take some time for themselves. Some people also add information on the process of grieving a death, which can also be helpful.

If you are getting ready to put together a care package for a loved one who is grieving a death, these are all important things to remember. You want to have a budget in mind so that you do not end up spending more than you can, and you also want to think about the kind of container you want to send the package in. If you still have questions about this or if you want to find the right items to send, you can reach out to a Tyngsborough, MA funeral home like ours at Dolan Funeral Home. Our team is here to help you with all of the decisions you need to make after the death of a loved one. Stop by our location or give us a call now to learn more.

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funeral homes in Westford, MA

Grieving the Death of a Child

funeral homes in Westford, MA

Losing a child is a devastating experience to go through and the process of accepting the death and mourning can be even more difficult than usual. You need to be sure that you have healthy ways of grieving and dealing with the passing of the child. There are some things that can make this terrible experience a bit easier. Here are the things that directors of funeral homes in Westford, MA want you to keep in mind.

You need to allow yourself to grieve completely and to feel what you need to feel. Sometimes, people going through this kind of loss try to suppress what they are going through because it is so painful, but that is a mistake. You want to let yourself feel what you need to feel. You should not be worried about whether what you are going through is normal or not because everyone grieves a bit differently.

Another thing that you need to remember is to have a support group with you. Many times, people who lose a child feel the need to isolate themselves but that is a mistake. You need to have people around you to help you and to ensure that you have people to talk to about what you are going through. You can choose to have a support group made up of friends and family or you can even look online for groups of people who have also lost a child. This can be a great help.

You have to also allow yourself to heal. This is one of the most difficult things for parents of a dead child to do. This is because parents can feel real guilt when they start feeling the death a bit less, even though this is completely normal. You have to let yourself get better and to start enjoying your life. Keep that in mind as you work through the grieving process.

funeral homes in Westford, MA

Another thing to keep in mind is that if you see that you are really struggling and having a lot of difficulties getting through the worst of the loss, you should consider reaching out to a grief counselor. There are lots of grief counselors who work with parents who have lost a child and this can be the right way to get guidance.

These are all important things you need to remember if you have lost a child and are not sure how to get through the process of grieving their loss. You need to have a support group around you and you have to also think about letting yourself feel what you are feeling without suppressing anything. You can learn more about all of this by reaching out to a Westford, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. Our team is here to answer any questions you may have about this kind of loss, so do be sure to reach out to us. You can give us a call right now or you can stop by our location to learn more.

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funeral homes in Lowell, MA

Writing a Funeral Announcement

funeral homes in Lowell, MA

One of the tasks that you may have to do after the death of a loved one is write their funeral announcement. Many times, people do not realize that a funeral announcement is not the same as an obituary, and this can make it more complicated to know how to start writing it. Lots of funeral homes offer to do this for you, but if you would like to write the announcement yourself, you will want to know a bit about what you have to include. Here are some suggestions that directors of funeral homes in Lowell, MA want you to remember.

It is important to know that a funeral announcement can be customized and unique. You can read examples but you do not have to follow them if you do not want to. It is important to include the dates of birth and death of the person, where they lived, and the date and location of the services you are planning. Other than that, you can customize it as much as you like. Some people choose to include a quote from scripture at the end or a poem. Think about what would make the announcement reflect who your loved one was.

To get the tone and wording right, one of the things you have to think about is if the announcement will be private and shared only with friends and family or if it will be made public. If the service will be private, then you want to send the funeral announcement only to people who you are inviting. This can allow you to be more intimate with the wording you choose. If the announcement will be public, you want to keep the announcement a bit more formal.

Be sure to keep the announcement brief and easy to read. Unlike an obituary, you do not have to add any details of the person’s life or anything similar. Keep the message short and include the information that people need to know about when the services will take place.

funeral homes in Lowell, MA

You have many options for sharing the announcement. You can have them added to local newspapers if the service will be public, or you can have them posted on social media where they can be shared. Depending on your own preferences, one option may be better than another.

Writing a funeral announcement does not have to be difficult. It can be important to remember you want to keep it brief and concise so that people can get the information they need at a glance. If you are planning a private service, you can have the announcement be a bit less formal. If you still have questions about writing a funeral announcement, you want to reach out to a Lowell, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. Our team is ready to help you with all of the things you need for your loved one. You can give us a call right now or you can stop by our location to learn more about the services we offer.

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funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

Tips for What to Wear to an Outdoor Summer Service

funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

During the summer months, many times people choose to have a funeral or memorial service outdoors. This can make the process of choosing an outfit a bit more complicated. If you have been invited to one of these outdoor services, it can make a difference to have an idea of what is acceptable to wear. Here are the tips that directors of funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA want you to remember as you decide.

Women can go sleeveless. In the past, sleeveless outfits tended to be frowned upon, but that is not the case anymore. Especially during the summer months, it can be much more comfortable to wear something sleeveless. Do remember that you want to choose an option that is still formal and that is not too revealing. If you do not want to go completely without sleeves, you can choose a short sleeve, instead.

Black is not required for an outdoor summer service. You can choose other somber colors, like olive greens, blues, and even grays. It is important to stay away from very bright options and to avoid big patterns that can draw attention away from the service. When choosing the color for the outfit, think about what you would feel comfortable wearing to a religious service.

The fabric the outfit is made of is another thing you want to keep in mind. Wearing wool and other heavy fabrics can be very uncomfortable in the heat, and so you want to consider options like linen and cotton that can keep you fresh and comfortable. Do choose outfits that have a more formal cut, and nothing that looks like you would wear it on vacation. You want to be as respectful as possible.

Hats and scarves are another thing that people tend to wear to funeral services and it is something that you want to choose with care for outdoor summer ones. If you want to have your head covered, choose a hat or scarf that is made of light materials and that will not make you too hot. You may even want to choose something that is of a lighter color, as well.

funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

These tips can help you find the right outfit for an outdoor summer service. It can be very difficult to know what to wear in the heat that will not be too revealing or too casual, so be sure that you keep all of these things in mind. You should take the time to think about the colors you wear as well as the fabric options you choose. If you have more questions about the kind of outfit you can wear to a summer service, you can reach out to a Tyngsborough, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are ready to help you with any funerary concerns you may have so do not hesitate to reach out to us. Give us a call right now or stop by to learn more.

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funeral homes in Westford, MA

What to Know About Funeral Services

funeral homes in Westford, MA

When you start making arrangements to give a loved one who has died a funeral service, it can be crucial that you know what to expect. There are many things that people do not realize about planning a funeral service. If that is what you are thinking of arranging for a loved one, then you will want to consider a number of things. Here are the ones that directors of funeral homes in Westford, MA want you to keep in mind before you start.

A funeral service is an option that you can choose even if the person wanted to be cremated. That is something that people do not realize. You can have a funeral service before the actual cremation takes place if you want to have the casket present, but if you do not, then you can have the service after. You can even include the urn in the service, fi that is what you prefer.

You can also have a funeral service for the person whenever you want. Many times, people think that they have to have a funeral service immediately after a death. That is not the case. If you do not want to have a viewing or the casket present, then you can choose to have the service whenever you prefer. Keep that in mind as you start preparing the funerary services.

You also want to keep in mind that a casket and a coffin are not the same thing. Many people use them to mean the same thing but they are different. A casket has four sides, while a coffin has six and has a tapering shape. If you are not sure about the one that you want for your loved one, you will want to speak with the provider for help.

funeral homes in Westford, MAAnother thing to remember is that you do not have to choose to have the person embalmed if you do not want to. Embalming is only required if you are planning on having a viewing or having an open casket. If you are not, then you do not have to choose that service. This can be important for people who are worried about their budget.

As you start making arrangements for the service of a loved one, you can take the time to learn about what a funeral service is and what it can include. There are misconceptions about what a funeral service is and what you can expect from it, so it can make a difference to reach out to a provider and ask questions to know more about how to start making the arrangements. If you want to start doing this or if you have more concerns about the process, you can reach out to a Westford, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are ready to help you plan the exact kind of services that you want for a loved one who has died. You can give us a call right now or you can stop by our location today.

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funeral home in Lowell, MA

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Funeral Home

funeral home in Lowell, MA

If you are getting ready to choose the funeral home for a loved one, it is important that you know what to look for. There are many different providers out there and it can be difficult to know if the one you are considering is the right one for your loved one’s services. To ensure that you do not run into any problems, you want to consider a few common mistakes that people make. Here are the ones that you want to avoid when looking for a funeral home in Lowell, MA.

One very common mistake that people make when choosing a funeral home is to not make sure that they know as much as possible about the history of the company as possible. You want to know that the funeral home has lots of experience and that they can offer the quality services that you want for your loved one. This can be simple if the company has a website. You can learn all about the services they offer and you can see how long they have been in business.

Another mistake that you want to avoid doing is not making sure that the company can offer the exact services that you want. This is especially important if you want to offer your loved one an option that is not as common as others, like bio cremation. Bio cremation requires special facilities and that means that not every provider of funerary services can offer it. By asking for a list of the services they offer, you can ensure that this is not a concern.

funeral home in Lowell, MAYou also want to remember that you should not make a decision without first asking about the rates they charge. You want to be sure that they can offer standard rates. The last thing you want is to be overcharged for the services that you need for a loved one. It can help to do a bit of research and see what the average rates for the services are so that you can have a good sense of how much to expect to pay.

When getting ready to decide on the best funeral home for a loved one’s funerary services, you want to consider all of these things. You do not want to make the kind of mistakes that can make you choose an option you do not really want for your loved one or that makes you pay more for them than is appropriate. You want to know all about the options that you have and see how long the company has been working in the industry before you make a decision. You can learn more about this by contacting a Lowell, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are here to answer all of the questions you may have and to help you with the arrangements you need. Give us a call right now or stop by our location right now to speak with one of our experts.

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funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

Unique Ways to Memorialize a Loved One

funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

One way you can honor your loved one who has passed away is to memorialize them. This can give you the chance to get closure and to come to terms with the death. There are lots of ways that you can memorialize a loved one, and you want to take some time to consider what you can offer the person. Here are some unique options that directors of funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA want you to consider.

An option that is very popular is to set up a memorial garden. Choose a place in your yard and plan the kind of plants and ornaments that you would have for your loved one. Choose flowers that they loved or things like windchimes if that is what they would have preferred. If you do not have a yard, you can easily put together a simple terrarium in their honor. Not only will you be offering your loved one the kind of memorial they deserve but you will also be getting the emotional and psychological benefits of working outside.

You can also choose to put together a memory book. This can be different for different people. If your loved one was someone who enjoyed cooking, for example, you can choose to have lots of recipes in the memory book. You can also add pictures, poems, song lyrics, and anything else that the person would have loved. All of this can create a beautiful memory book that your family can look at whenever they want to feel close the one you have lost.

If your loved one was passionate about something like the arts, sciences, animal welfare, or the environment, you can think of creating a scholarship in their honor. This can be a lovely way to honor the person’s memory and to help someone else achieve their dreams. There are many companies that can help you set up this kind of scholarship, so be sure to ask.

Another option that can be lovely is to name a star in the person’s name. There are many providers that can offer this. For a small fee, you can get a certificate stating which star has been named after your loved one. That is something that can be beautiful for generations to come.

funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

These are some of the most unique options you have for memorializing a loved one who has died. You can choose something like putting together a memorial garden or a memory book, or you can help others follow their interests by setting up a scholarship in their name. If you want to get started planning one of these options or if you want more suggestions, you can reach out to a Tyngsborough, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We have a team of experts ready to help you decide on the exact options that you want for your loved one. Stop by our location today or call us right now to learn more.

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funeral homes in Westford, MA

Attending a Virtual Service

funeral homes in Westford, MA

For people who have lost a loved one these days, one of the options that is recommended is to have a virtual service. This can allow people to say goodbye to their loved one without putting themselves at risk. If you have been invited to a virtual service but are not sure about what is expected of you, there are some etiquette tips that can make a difference. Here are the things that directors of funeral homes in Westford, MA want you to know.

It is important to wear appropriate clothes for the service. Sometimes, since they will be attending the service from home, people think that they can wear something more casual, but you do not want to offend anyone. Take the time to choose an outfit that you would feel comfortable wearing at a place of worship. Do not choose something too revealing or too casual and do choose somber colors.

You want to have the software installed well before the service. It can be a good idea to do this a few days in advance so that you can get a good sense of the program. You do not want to have technical difficulties on the day of the actual service so do reach out and ask questions before the service starts if you cannot figure out how to use the program.

You want to be on time. Just because you are attending from home does not mean that you can arrive to the service late. It can be just as frustrating for the other guests and it can be distracting to see someone appearing on screen late. Keep that in mind. If you are afraid of being late or of not remember when the service is, set up some kind of alarm to help remind you.

Keep your mike off during the service. Turn it on only if you are getting ready to give a eulogy or a reading of some kind. This can be important to remember, because it can be distracting to have lots of noises and strange sounds while the services takes place. If you are not sure about how to do this, you should reach out to a loved one who will also be using the program for help.

funeral homes in Westford, MA

These are all things that you want to consider when getting ready to attend a virtual funeral or memorial service. You do not want to have to worry about getting there late, so do set up an alarm for the service, and be sure that you also consider wearing something appropriate for the service. All of these things can make a difference when deciding attending a funeral or memorial service virtually. If you have more questions, you can reach out to a Westford, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are her to help you with any concerns you may have about this process. You can give us a call right now or you can stop by our location to learn more about what we can offer.

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funeral homes in Lowell, MA

How to Choose a Casket

funeral homes in Lowell, MA

When you start making funerary arrangements for a loved one who wanted to be buried in a traditional manner, one thing you will have to take some time to choose is the casket. You need to make certain that the casket you opt for is one that fits within your budget and that your loved one would have liked. If that is something that you want to learn a bit more about before making a purchase, there are some things that directors of funeral homes in Lowell, MA want you to remember.

Your budget will have an impact on the options you choose, so do take some time to look at the average rates of caskets. The costs can vary depending on a number of things. This can be the size, the materials it is made of, and the features it has. By doing a bit of research online into the costs of the caskets and by being sure that you know what you want to spend, you can start narrowing down your choices.

You want to think about size. A lot of times, people think that caskets are all the same size, but that is not the case. Caskets for people who weighed more than two hundred pounds have to be a bit larger. You can also find much larger options as well as caskets that are made for children and for infants.

Consider the material the casket is made of. There are lots of great wooden options, with cherry, walnut, and mahogany, being the most expensive. You can choose from pine, willow, or poplar for less expensive options, or from oak, maple, or birch for a medium cost. There are metal caskets you can choose, too, including steel, stainless steel, copper, and bronze. There are eco-friendly options, as well, which can be made of wicker and other soft woods that can easily break down with time.

Another consideration is whether to choose a gasketed or non-gasketed casket. A gasketed casket is protected from the elements with a rubber gasket, which works like a seal. It does delay the process of decomposition, though it cannot prevent it. For some people this is important, but do remember that this can add to the costs of the casket.

funeral homes in Lowell, MA

When deciding on the casket that you want to offer your loved one, all of these things are important to remember. You do not want to go over your budget, and you do not want to choose an option that cannot offer what your loved one needs, so do take the time to do a bit of research into the options you have. If you are ready to make a purchase or if you want to know more about caskets, you can reach out to a Lowell, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are here to answer all of the questions you have about this process. Give us a call right now to speak with one of our experts about this.

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funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

Burial Options

For those who want to offer a loved one a burial, it can make a difference to know about the options that are out there. Many times, people think that all burials are the same, but that is not the case. You can choose from many different options, ensuring that you get exactly what you want for your loved one. If you want to know more about the options you have, there are some things that directors of funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA want you to know.

When you start thinking about the kind of burial that you want for a loved one, the image that probably comes to mind is a soil burial. This is a traditional option that can ensure your loved one gets a plot in a cemetery that you can visit when you want to. This physical location that you can visit can offer comfort for many people, so do consider it. You can have a memorial placed at the gravesite to commemorate the person, as well, and you can also buy plots of land around the site to bury other family members together. Do remember that burial in the soil usually cannot happen during the winter, when the ground is frozen, and that the weather can also damage the grave markers that you choose. You also want to remember that all cemeteries have different rules and regulations, so you want to ascertain that you ask about them before you decide.

Mausoleums are another option if you want to offer your loved one a burial. A mausoleum is an above-ground location where you can place your loved one in a tomb. There are crypts or chambers in the mausoleum, and they can accommodate many bodies. This can be ideal if you want to ensure that your family stays together after death. Mausoleums can offer privacy and protection from the elements, so that you can visit your loved one when you want to. Many mausoleums have a peaceful atmosphere where you can sit and be with your loved one. Do remember that mausoleums are not all created equally. There are some that are better than others, and you want to find an option that can protect your loved one from the elements. You also want to ensure that there are no casket failures, especially if you are not getting a private mausoleum.

funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

All of these things are crucial to consider when you are making the choice of the kind of burial you want for your loved one. Do think about the kind of budget you have available and what your loved one would have wanted. If you are not sure about the options you have and you want to learn more, you can reach out to a Tyngsborough, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We have years of experience and we can help you with these arrangements. You can give us a call now or you can visit us today at our location to speak with an expert.

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funeral homes in Westford, MA

Planning a Service for a Baby or Infant

funeral homes in Westford, MA

Losing a child is something that can be incredibly difficult to go through. It can leave you staggering with grief and this means not even wanting to think about the planning of a service. Having a service, though, can help you come to terms with the loss and get the closure you need. It can be important to learn more about how to plan a service for an infant or baby. Here are some tips that directors of funeral homes in Westford, MA want you to remember as you start planning.

Think about the kind of service that you want to have for the child. Many times, parents choose to have a celebration of life instead of a regular funeral or memorial service. A celebration of life can honor the child’s life instead of only focusing on their death. If that is what you want to choose, you want to let all of your guests know so that they can dress appropriately.

Consider the location that you want for the service. This is not always an easy decision. If your family is religious, then you may want to choose a place of worship, but if you are not you can choose to have the service at a funeral home. You can also choose to have it somewhere else, even at home. Think about a location that the child would have wanted. If they enjoyed being outside, why not plan an outdoor service?

You want to consider the music and readings that you choose. Religious music and classical music may not feel appropriate. Think about music options that the child would have liked and include those in the service, too. You may even want to speak with a funeral home director, since they will have some ideas on this. They have years of experience and can help you choose the right music and readings for a child’s service.

The decoration is another thing that you want to think about. Funeral wreaths may not feel appropriate for a child’s service. You may want to consider getting bright flowers and nothing too heavy. Many families even add balloons as decorations.

funeral homes in Westford, MA

If you are planning the funeral or memorial service of a loved one, you will want to think about the best options for your child. Take the time to consider the location and to reach out to experts for help. They can guide you and ensure that you can get the exact kind of service that you want for your child. If you have questions or if you are getting ready to start making the arrangements, you can reach out to a Westford, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are ready to help you with all of the plans you need to make so that you can focus on grieving and then healing. You can give us a call right now or you can stop by our location today for more information.

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cremation services in Lowell, MA

How to Write an Announcement of Death

After the death of a loved one, there are a number of ways to let people know of the loss. One of these options is to have an announcement of death. This is not like an obituary, which can sometimes confuse people. If you are the person in charge of writing the announcement but you have never written one before, there are some suggestions that can help you. Here are the things that providers of cremation services in Lowell, MA want you to keep in mind as you start writing the announcement.

It is important to read some examples of announcements of death to get a sense of the basic structure. You want to be able to see what kind of things you need to add and the tone that it should have. Providers of funerary services can help you with this, since they can show you examples of these announcements, and you can also look online to see some, as well.

You also want to remember that there is no biographical section in an announcement of death. This is something that can confuse people, too. You can have a brief mention of the what they did in life, but you do not want to add lots of details. The focus when writing this announcement is information about the death and the services that are planned.

Another thing that you want to keep in mind is that the tone of the announcement has to be the same as that of the service. If you want to have a celebration of life, for example, you will want to have a more lighthearted announcement. If you are having a traditional service, a somber announcement is the best option.

You will want to think about what you need to add to the announcement. The details of the death are important as are where the person lived and their birthdate. You want to also include the details of the services that you are planning, including the location, the date and time, and if there are any special requests. If you are having a celebration of life, you want to announce it here, too.

cremation services in Lowell, MA

When you start writing the announcement of death, you will want to keep all of these things in mind. You want to start thinking about the kind of things to include in the announcement. Keep in mind that you need to have all of the details of the service and that you want to include information about the death. You can share this kind of announcement online, which is an option that more and more people are choosing, or you can have it printed in a local paper. If you need a bit more help to get this done, you can always turn to a provider of cremation services in Lowell, MA like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We have years of experience and we can help you decide on the best options for your loved one. Give us a call right now.

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funeral homes in Lowell, MA

Choosing the Burial Outfit

funeral homes in Lowell, MA

For those who have been planning on having a loved one buried in a traditional manner, you want to make sure that you choose the best outfit for burial. This can be stressful for some people, so you do want to think about taking some time to decide. To help you make the right choice, you will want to consider a few suggestions that directors of funeral homes in Lowell, MA want you to keep in mind.


Think about the kind of service that you want for your loved one. You want to make sure that the outfit matches the tone of the service. If you are having a funeral or memorial service that is traditional, for example, you will want to choose an outfit that is formal and more traditional, while if you are choosing a celebration of life, you will want to have an outfit that is brighter in color.


You also want to think about the kind of outfit that your loved one preferred. If the person did not like to wear dresses or skirts, for example, it can be wrong to offer that as the burial outfit. Think about the kind of outfit that they would choose for themselves and if you want to buy new clothes, do remember that style.


You need to also consider the religious affiliations that the person had. This can guide you in what they would prefer to wear. In some religions, covering the hair is something important and that can mean taking the time to buy a scarf or headdress of some kind. Many religious prefer a more modest look, with long sleeves and long hems for women and suits for men. If you are not sure about this, you can always reach out to others in the religion for help.

funeral homes in Lowell, MA

Your loved one may have left requests of items that they would like to wear or have with them in the casket. Be sure to consider this and let the funeral home director know what you need to include. Sometimes, an item is only worn during the service and then removed before burial. If that is something that you have to do, then remind the director a number of times of this so that there are no mistakes made.


Choosing the kind of outfit that your loved one would have wanted is something that can take some time. You want to consider the personality of the person and their preferences, and you want to also think about the kind of service that you will have. If the person wanted to be buried with a particular item, let the provider know about this. To learn more about the options that you have and the things you need to remember, you will want to reach out to a Lowell, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are ready to help you make all of the decisions that you need for this process. Give us a call right now or visit our location right now.

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funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

Using Social Media to Announce a Death

funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

It is never easy to let people know about the death of someone they love. These days, people can get concerned about doing this through social media. If that is something that you are considering, you may not be sure if it is the most appropriate option or not. To help with this, directors of funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA want you to keep a few things in mind.

One thing to remember is that you do not have to immediately let people know about the death on social media. The people who were closest to the person who died will already know about what has happened and everyone else can wait until you feel up to posting. Remember that if you post about the death, people will have many questions and they will reach out to you to offer their condolences. This is not something that is always easy to do right after a death, so you will want to wait until you are ready to do so. If you do feel like letting people know what has happened this is okay, too.

You also want to think about trying to get access to the accounts of your loved one. This can allow you to let people you may not have contact with know about the death. If you do not have access to the accounts, you want to reach out to other family members who may.

Another thing that you may want to do is to consider posting the obituary on social media so that people can see it and share it. This can let people know the details of the services and to ensure that they know of any special requests that you may have for the service. This is important, especially if you are not planning on having the obituary printed and sent out.

You also want to think about posting images online. This can encourage people to share their memories of the person and to even have a kind of virtual service for the person who died. It can offer lots of people the kind of closure they need after a death, so do consider that.

funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

These are all important things to remember when deciding to use social media to let people know of the death of a loved one. There are lots of reasons why social media can help, including allowing you to share the information about the death easily and quickly. You want to try to also gain access to the accounts of the person who died to let others know of the death and you want to share the obituary, as well. You can learn more about using social media after a death by turning to a Tyngsborough, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are ready to help you make the best arrangements for your loved one. Give us a call right now or stop by our location today for more information.

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funeral homes in Westford, MA

Dos and Do Nots of Planning a Unique Service

funeral homes in Westford, MA

Getting ready to decide on the kind of services that you want for a loved one who has passed away can mean taking the time to consider all of the different options. For many people, a standard service is not something they want, so it can help to know some ways of making it unique. Here are dos and do nots that directors of funeral homes in Westford, MA want you to keep in mind when planning a unique service.

Do think about the location. Not everyone wants to have a service at a place of worship or at a funeral home, so taking some time to consider this is important. You can choose to have it at a park or even at home. This tends to be a good choice if you are looking for a more intimate service. Be sure to ask the provider you have hired for help planning this.

Do not be afraid to choose different music options than those that are standard. People tend to think that classical and religious music options are the only appropriate ones, but that is not the case. You can choose music that would have meant something to your loved one. If they did not like classical or religious songs, then it can be better to opt for things you know they like and that are appropriate.

Do consider celebrations of life. This is an option that lots of people are turning to lately, because they can offer the kind of closure that they need. A celebration of life is an option that allows you to give someone who did not like somber events the kind of service they would have wanted. These services are especially good options for children and infants.

Do not forget to think about flower arrangements for the service. You may not want to have the same kind of flower arrangements that everyone else has at a service. Consider opting for various different bouquets instead of funeral wreaths.

funeral homes in Westford, MA

Do ask for help from the provider you have hired. They will be able to offer advice on the best options for your loved one. You can get the most unique options by asking about what is available and what you can customize.

These are all important dos and do nots that you want to remember when making funerary arrangements for a loved one. Think about the location you choose for the service and about the kind of music and flower arrangements they would want. Be sure to also ask the provider for help so that you can get the kind of options you need. You can learn more about creative funeral service by reaching out to a Westford, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are here to answer any questions you have about making arrangements. Take the time to visit our location today or give us a call right now to speak with one of our experts.

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funeral homes in Lowell, MA

Questions to Ask a Funeral Home or Cremation Service Provider

funeral homes in Lowell, MA

When you lose a loved one, you have to consider how to choose the best provider of the services. This is not always an easy thing to do since there can be many options and many companies. To make sure you find the best possible provider, you want to keep in mind some questions to ask. Here are the ones that directors of funeral homes in Lowell, MA want you to know before you make a decision.


How Long Have You Been in Business?

This is one of the first things that you want to ask before you make a decision. You need to have a provider that has been years in the business so that you know they have the experience you want. Most companies these days have a website that you can look at that can tell you how long they have been in business and the experience that the people who work there have. If they do not have this information, you can ask them directly.


What Services Do You Offer?

If you are looking to get services that are less common like bio cremation, you need to ascertain that the provider can offer these services. It is always important to get a list of the services they offer before you make any kind of decision. If you want an option that is common, like a direct cremation or a traditional burial, this is not such a bit issue, but you still want to ask.


Are Your Rates Standard?

You have to make certain that the rates the company asks for are within the national standard prices. The country has rates that can prevent you from being overcharged for the services you want. This can make a huge difference and it can ensure you are not cheated.


funeral homes in Lowell, MA

Is a Visit Possible?

You need to ensure that the location is in order. If you see that the location is dirty or untidy, you have to consider finding another option for the services you want. Going in person is crucial. You will not be able to learn what you want to know if you only see pictures online, so you do want to schedule a visit. You also want to be able to speak with the person in charge, so that you can see if you feel comfortable working with them.


All of these questions are very important to consider asking before making a decision for your loved one’s funerary service provider. You always want to know about the services they offer and about the rates that they charge. Take the time to ask lots of questions from the provider before making a decision. If you want to start asking questions, you can reach out to a Lowell, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are ready to help you find exactly the funerary options you need. You can stop by our location or you can give us a call right now.

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funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

Helping a Friend in Mourning

funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

Seeing someone you love going through a mourning period can be devastating. Most people feel helpless, not knowing what to say or do to make the person start healing form the loss. If this is something that you are worried about and you want to know how to best help someone who is grieving, there are some things that you can do. Here are the top suggestions that directors of funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA want you to keep in mind.


It is crucial that you let the person know that you are there for them at all times. You may take it for granted that they are aware of this but that may not be the case. By letting them know that they can call on you whenever they need to for support, you will be offering a huge help. If they do reach out to you and want to talk, you definitely want to let them speak and not try to interject with your own experiences. Unless they ask you specifically for your experiences, you will want to let them speak.


You want to keep in mind that they will need help. They may not be ready to ask for it, so it can be a good thing to remember to offer help. If you know they need to go to the grocery store, you may want to do that for them. You can also offer help making funerary arrangements, since this can be tough to do when in mourning. Try to make your suggestions of help specific so that they have no reason to refuse the assistance.


funeral homes in Tyngsborough, MA

People who are dealing with a loss will struggle to do everyday things. This can mean that they may not want to cook for themselves or prepare meals. To avoid them getting fast food or not eating at all, you can think about providing them with meals that they can easily heat up and eat. This is something that can definitely be a good thing to do and one that can offer lots of help. Prepare meals that are filling, nutritious, and that are comfort foods, so that they can keep their strength up as they mourn.


All of these things are important to consider if you want to help someone going through a loss. You will want to let the person know that you are there for them at all times and that they can reach out to you for help when they need to. You also want to offer specific help so that you can be certain they will take you up on it. For those who want to know more about what to do to help someone who is grieving, you can turn to a Tyngsborough, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are ready to answer any questions you may have about this. You can give us a call right now or you can stop by our location today.

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funeral homes in Westford, MA

Etiquette Tips for Funeral Services

funeral homes in Westford, MA

Being invited to the funeral or memorial service of a loved one is something that can make it easier to have closure after a death. If you have never been to this kind of service before, however, it can be tough to know what to expect or what you need to do. If that is something that is worrying you, there are tips that can make a difference. Here are the ones that directors of funeral homes in Westford, MA want you to know about so that you can be ready to attend the service.


It is crucial that you get to the service on time. No one wants to hear someone come in late when they are trying to focus on getting the closure they need after a death, so it is important to get there on time. If you are someone who is often late, put a good amount of effort into getting there on time. If you do get there late, be sure to take a seat at the back so that you do not bother anyone.


A big concern that people who have never been to a service have is not knowing what to wear. Wearing black is always appropriate but you do not have to if you do not want to. You can wear other dark colors. You also want to think about wearing clothing that is on the conservative side. Avoid anything too revealing or too casual, since you do not want to offend anyone. If you are not sure if something is appropriate or not, think about whether you would wear it to a place of worship. If you would, then you can wear it to a funeral or memorial service.


Something else you want to do is turn off any phones or other devices. It can be incredibly disturbing to have things beeping or ringing while the service takes place. You can put the devices on vibrate or on silent if you know that they do not make too much noise. If they do, then you definitely want to think about turning them off.

funeral homes in Westford, MA

It is also important to greet the family and give them your condolences. Doing this requires you to go up and speak to them, but it is important that you keep the conversation brief. You do not want to take too much of their time because they will have lots of other people to greet. P


When getting ready to attend the funeral or memorial service for a loved one, you want to be sure that you know what to expect and what others will expect from you. The last thing you want is to offend or bother anyone. To learn more about attending a service, you can reach out to a Westford, MA funeral home like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are here to help you with any funerary needs you may have. Stop by our location or give us a call right now to get started.

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funeral home in Lowell, MA

Tips for Finding the Right Funeral Home

funeral home in Lowell, MA

If you have lost a loved one and are worried about making the funerary arrangements, one of the most important things that you can do is find the right provider for the job. You need to know that you will get the quality services that you want for your loved one so that there are no issues. To ensure that you have the right company helping you, here are some tips when choosing a funeral home in Lowell, MA.


One of the first things that you have to do is to look at how long the company has been working in the industry. You do not want to have a company helping you that is new, because it will mean that they will not have the experience you need them to have to be able to provide you with quality options. Most of the time, companies these days have websites where you can read up on their history. Be sure to do this before making a decision.


Another thing that you want to do is to ask them about the services they offer. Not all providers can offer what you need and this is something that is important to ask about before making any kind of decision. If you are looking for a service like bio cremation, which uses special facilities, then this is something to remember. The easiest thing is to ask for a list of the services they offer.


You want to also ensure that the rates they charge are within the standard. There are national guidelines in place so that you do not get charged more and so you always want to check those numbers with the ones the company charges. If you see that the numbers are substantially higher or lower than the norm, then you will want to consider another provider of the funerary services you want.

funeral home in Lowell, MA

It is also crucial that you take the time to visit the location and speak with the funeral home director in person. It is not enough to see pictures online of the services they offer or to just speak over the phone with the person in charge. You need to see the location and make certain that it is one that is in order and of the highest quality. If you see that the location is not clean or in order, you will want to turn to another provider.


These are all crucial things to look for when deciding on the kind of funeral home you choose for your loved one’s funerary services. You want to consider the different services they may offer as well as the rates you can expect. If you want to know more about choosing a Lowell, MA funeral home you can turn to us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are here to help you find the best services for your loved one’s funerary arrangements and for your family. You can give us a call right now or you can stop by our location to learn more about what we offer today.

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