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Donald Patrick Keeley of Tyngsboro, MA

1933 - 2022

No Vistitation Date Scheduled


January 13, 2023
Saint John The Evangelist Church

Donald Patrick Keeley, of Tyngsboro, MA, 89, died peacefully Friday December 30, 2022 at Lowell General Saints Campus.
Donald lived his entire life in the surrounding Boston area and he was a 50+-year resident of Tyngsboro, MA. Donald was born September 26, 1933 at Boston City Hospital, Boston, MA to John M. Keeley and Ora (Barlow) Keeley.
Donald graduated in 1952 from Dorchester High School, Boston, MA.
Donald was highly skilled in the crafts of carpentry and woodworking. He built his own home in Tyngsboro in 1957 and resided there as a proud and contributing member of the community. He retired from Nick Sarris Construction of Lowell, MA and was previously employed at New England Wood Working of South Boston, MA.
Donald lived his faith fully his entire life and was a devoted parishioner of St. John the Evangelist of Chelmsford, MA. Donald actively enjoyed golfing, hunting, and fishing his entire life.
Donald is survived by his niece Kathleen (Tom) Gannon of Phoenix, AZ and his nephew John Keeley of Airmont, NJ.
Donald was preceded in death by his parents, his nephew Michael Keeley, and his brother, John F. Keeley of Marstons Mills, MA.


Donald Patrick Keeley died Friday December 30, 2022. Funeral Friday January 13, 2023 at St. John the Evangelist Church, N. Chelmsford at 11AM. Burial in Thompson Cemetery, Tyngsboro, MA. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041. Guestbook at

2 Condolences for Donald Patrick Keeley of Tyngsboro, MA

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    Joe Pivirotto


    Sorry for your loss I remember when I was younger Donald would take me fishing on locust pond. God bless, May he Rest In Peace

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    Linda Desrochers


    My parents and I were saddened to hear of Mr. Keeley’s passing. Don and my dad (Dick Kirsch) were the best of buddies when I was a kid. The two of them were always out doing something outdoorsy together, mostly fishing. Don was the nicest of my dad’s pals. May he rest in peace.

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