Edward Allen Behan of N. Chelmsford, MA

1935 - 2025

No Vistitation Date Scheduled

No Funeral Date Scheduled

Edward Allen Behan, 89, of N. Chelmsford, MA passed away at Lowell General Hospital on Thursday March 13,  2025. Ed was Born on June 26, 1935 in Trenton, Ontario, Canada to Eugene & Gladys Behan, originally from Dover N.H.

Ed relocated to the United States with his parents in 1953 and lived in N.H. most of his life.

Ed was an avid golfer, in his mid 70’s & until the age of 85 he was still able to boast he could shoot within his age. He enjoyed playing pool and as well as a challenging game of cribbage at the local American Legion Post. He was well liked among his friends and acquaintances.

Ed is survived by his estranged spouse, Nancy Behan (Reed) of Somersworth, N.H. Also, his Daughters; Cynthia Behan of Canterbury, NH, Eleanor Behan of Jaffrey, NH, his son Steven Behan of Carver, MA. and his 5 grandchildren. Ed was predeceased by his first wife Beatrice and his daughter Pamela.

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