Everett “Buddy” Carroll Jr., of Westford, MA

1944 - 2025

US Veteran United States Air Force

No Vistitation Date Scheduled


February 22, 2025
Dolan Funeral Home, 106 Middlesex St., N. Chelmsford 01863

Everett “Buddy” Carroll Jr., of Westford, MA, died peacefully in his sleep on Sunday, February 16th 2025 after a long battle with cancer.

Buddy (who lives up to that name) was full of endless jokes and could lift your spirits with his contagious laughter. He was a Vietnam veteran who worked on aircrafts in the United States Air Force. In his younger years he enjoyed camping, playing music on his keyboard, his abundance of bear carvings, many other talents and spending time with his family.

He is survived by his wife Barbara Carroll; son Garrett Carroll partner Erika Mejia of Ayer, MA; daughter Kelley and husband Rich Soucy of Nashua, NH and their children Brandon and Ava; sister Emily and husband Gary Powell of N. Reading, MA, widowed sister Janet Guenther of Florida; brother David and wife Nancy Carroll of N. Carolina; and Stacey Carroll, mother of his grandchildren Jameson and Joshua.

He is predeceased by his parents Everett and Pricilla Carroll of Reading, MA and his brother Paul Carroll of Washington.

A celebration of life will be held from 12-2PM on Saturday, February 22, 2025 at DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 106 MIDDLESEX ST, N. CHELMSFORD, MA 01863. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME (978)-251-4041. Guestbook at www.dolanfuneralhome.com

10 Condolences for Everett “Buddy” Carroll Jr., of Westford, MA

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    David Lawrence Carroll


    To my dear brother Buddy and his family wife Barbara, children Garrett and Kelly. Buddy you will be greatly missed. You have given us laughter with your wonderful sense of humor and shared with us your strength in dealing with life’s challenges. You and your family, despite distances that may be, are in our love and prayers. See you soon Brother Buddy, keep the door open.


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    David Cumming


    Buddy, I will forever remember your sense of humor and friendship that we have shared over the years. To Barbara, and your kids and family, and your many friends, cherish your memories and keep them fresh in your mind. I think that’s how Buddy would want it. With much love to all.


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    Nicole Wakelin


    I’m so very sorry for your loss. Buddy was so kind to me and I’ll think of him fondly every time I see the bear carving he gave me peeking out from the garden in our backyard.


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    Marian Stone Yamauchi


    One of a few cousins. I truly enjoyed exchanging jokes & the meaning of life with him. I have one of his bear carvings he sent me. I treasure it. Although we never met, I feel like I knew him forever. Love & big bear hugs to his family. Marian & John Yamauchi


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    Carolyn & Peter Willcox


    Dear Barbara and family!
    Peter & I have been blessed by knowing your dear Buddy! He had a wonderful charisma that cheered people where ever he went! Our hearts are sad for you and your family but Buddy is no longer enduring this earthly pain & illness and for you all to have to endure watching him go through it! We know he is in God’s mighty & loving hands! His faith in Jesus was so evident and for that comfort it , we pray, will give you all strength & solace as you grieve!
    We grieve not as the world grieves but we have hope that what Jesus did we have eternal life and will be forever with Him!
    1st Thessalonians 4:13
    We would be there with you on Saturday but we are still in North Carolina…we are with you in love & prayers!!!
    Carolyn & Peter


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    Christine DeRoche


    We will miss Buddy for so many reasons. Always ready to help if one needed it. And he’d be happy to problem solve and assist. Cheerfully. So easy going and so kind. A generous spirit and a ready laugh. It was contagious really.

    We will smile when we remember our friend. He loved his family and friends. And they’ll always love Buddy and his contagious laugh.


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    Skip Cargill


    What a witty person and get guy. He sure will be missed


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    Al and Diana Blanchard


    Oh, the fun we shared, going back to the 50’s- whether at the Blanchard Farm on Haverhill St. or “Comedy Central” on John St. Buddy lived a good story! Al & Diana


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    Diane Engel Nickerson


    My heartfelt sympathies to the Carroll families. 💔


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    rememberingt the carrol family,with fondness and your parents as well as paul and janet,


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