Irene May Appleton of Nashua, NH

1936 - 2024

No Vistitation Date Scheduled

No Funeral Date Scheduled

Irene Appleton, 88, of Nashua, NH died peacefully Thursday, June 20, 2024 at Langdon Place in Nashua NH.

She was married to the late Sherburne Appleton whom passed on December 13, 2005.

Born in Westfield, MA, she was the daughter of the late Edwin Edenborg and Evelyn (Maybelle) Edenborg. She was predeceased by her three siblings, Edwin, Joan and Nancy.

Irene spent 25 wonderful years in Fort Myers, Florida where she enjoyed golfing with her husband and friends.

She graduated from Roslindale High School, Roslindale, MA.

She was employed as a customer service manager by Sears.

Irene enjoyed knitting, sewing, dancing and traveling. She also had a big sweet tooth.

She is survived by her son Robert Appleton of Greenville, NH, her daughter Cheryl and her husband Wayne Mann of Nashua, NH, her two grandchildren Thomas Mann of Cambridge, MA and Kristen Mann of Nashua, NH, and many nieces and nephews.

Irene May Appleton, Nashua, NH., died Thurday, June 20, 2024.   All services are private. Memorials may be made in her name to Langdon Place, 319 E. Dunstable Rd., Nashua, NH 03062. In memo section of the check write “in honor of Irene Appleton/Activities”. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041. Guestbook at

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