Janice Mae Lunn of Litchfield, NH

1938 - 2024


October 16, 2024
4-8 P.M.
Dolan Funeral Home, 106 Middlesex Street, N. Chelmsford


October 17, 2024
10:30 A.M.
First Church of the Nazarene, 1195 Varnum Ave., Lowell

Janice Mae Lunn, nee Brown, of Litchfield, NH, died peacefully at home after a year’s illness. She was pre-deceased by parents J. Nelson Brown and Eleanor E. Dunton Brown of Gardiner, and Fairfield, Maine. She lived her middle childhood and teen years in Fairfield, graduating from Lawrence High School. Her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, respectively, were earned from Eastern Nazarene College and Salem State College, both in Massachusetts. She taught in the public schools of Tewksbury, Massachusetts, for 38 years. An active member of the church of the Nazarene, she was for many years church pianist for soloists, mixed musical groups including choir, and for congregational singing, the latter most recently being participation in tandem with other team musicians. Additional ministry commitments included Director of youth ministry (teens), head of Christian Education, member of the church board, and Christian Life teacher. She directed the drama team for Christmas musical pageants and served as a member of the Mary Martha Ministry to seniors.

She enjoyed reading, international travel, dining out, and clothes shopping.

Sitting at the piano gave her wide-open perspective to view the church congregation, and, seeing a new face, would make her way after service to welcome him/her/them. She really enjoyed that piece of personal ministry.

Janice was also predeceased by her husband, Marvin E. Lunn in 1986. She is survived by Meredith DeBow, a friend of many years and with whom she shared their home, her Aunt Georgia Bailey, nine maternal cousins in the families: Barker: (George, Judy, Dick, Jane, and Tom), Bailey: (Tim and Jean), and Dunton: (Cathy and Steve), with their spouses and children, and several paternal cousins of the Brown family.

An only child, she enjoyed a quasi-adoptive experience and long-time relationship with the DeBow, Long, and Burgess families, Melinda Burgess-Cronin being her God-child. Nathan Christian Long was a 22-year light and love of Janice’s life, whose intellectual challenges paled when compared to his non-stop sunshiny love splashed all over “Auntie Jan.”

Janice repeatedly expressed appreciation for Donna DeBow, who made herself available 24/7 for 3 and one-half months in order that she (Jan) could be at home for the duration of her illness.

All her friends will miss Jan’s sense of humor, her ability to laugh at herself, and her testimony of faith in God through Jesus.

Lowell First Church has a Mary Martha Ministry to home-bound seniors, stewarded by volunteer friends. Donations to that ministry will help in a large way in reaching out meaningfully to those who are served.   It would also be an ongoing tribute to the memory of Janice Lunn, should anyone wish to share in that way.

Viewing hours for Janice and comfort time for family and friends will be held at the Dolan Funeral Home, 106 Middlesex St., N Chelmsford, MA, on Wednesday, October 16th between 4:00 and 8:00pm. A Celebration of Life service will be conducted Thursday morning, October 17th, at 10:30 at the First Church of the Nazarene, 1195 Varnum Ave., Lowell, MA. Burial will be private at another time. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041. Guestbook at www.dolanfuneralhome.com.

11 Condolences for Janice Mae Lunn of Litchfield, NH

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    Carlene Drew


    She and Meredith were such a part of my growing up years. Cannot think of Lowell First without thinking of Jan! Loved her sense of humor and words of encouragement!

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    Ray and Debbie Mann


    Jan was a fixture in our lives for many years, and our thoughts and prayers are with Meredith, the Long family, and the LFC congregation. It seems surreal that Jan would not be there to greet us should we visit. Although we grieve because we have to go on without her, we rejoice that she is now with her Lord and Saviour Jesus. May the God of all comfort be with you all at this time and in the days to come. (2 Cor 1:3-5)

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    Arlene Putnam


    Janice will be missed greatly. She was loved by all. I will miss listening to her play the piano. I enjoyed all the fun times we had together playing Toonerville Rook. We had lots of laughs. She was a good sport and enjoyed life. She is now with the Lord and one day we will all meet again. That will be a great re-union.

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    Hap and Joyce Bernier


    Hap and I remember her as such a nice lady . We are so sorry for those closest to her, knowing how much she will be missed.

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    Richard Labrecque


    Jan was an ever present neighbor in our neighborhood; taking walks around the same I did, and always greeted me with a smile and cheerful attitude. Despite the fact that she was hesitant about our encounters, due to my dog Katie, there was always a happy greeting to her (a bit standoffish, but cheerful). These times were always pleasant moments. I will miss her.
    She remains in my prayers. RIP Jan.

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    Laura Ritter-Cox


    Our family has been blessed to be a part of LFC over many years and Jan and Meredith are a huge part of that blessing. She will be sorely missed by so many, but know that her “crossing over” was a perfectly timed blessing for her. Sending hugs to Meredith and Donna who have been her ever steady caregivers in her last days!!

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    Laurie and Paul Bastien


    Paul and I want to express our deep condolences to both Jan and Meredith’s families.
    We will always remember Jan playing piano at Lowell First Church. She was truly a woman who loved the Lord, and that showed in everything she did. She is now resting in the arms of Jesus.

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    Darlene Connors


    My Memories are Jan are, JT Benton and Jan playing together. No matter what song or hymn was played ,they played it beautiful together.
    I will miss her smile,laughter,hugs,since of humor too.
    I remember Jan gave us a yr to read the Bible and if we did we would have a Pizza Party. We’ll I did it and we did have the Pizza Party. Jan was an inspiration to me.
    She loved to talk and I loved to listen to her stories.
    Jan, You were a Blessing to me.
    I will miss you gal
    Until we meet again.

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    Marcos Rodrigues de Melo


    I arrived at LFC in 2020 and met this precious friend who always smiled when she met me and my family on Sunday mornings. I am grateful to God for this privilege of meeting Jan, when I had the opportunity to preach my sermon she was always kind and thoughtful in saying: Pastor Marcos; thank you very much. So I want to express my gratitude to God for the life and history in honoring the name of Jesus dear Jan, see you soon….

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    Caroline chronopoulos


    Jan will always have a special place in my heart, and I will miss her dearly. Whenever I traveled back to New England from my now home in Florida, I looked forward to my visits with Jan and Meredith. I have many cherished memories of Jan as we fellowshipped and worked together in ministries at LFC…especially her beautiful piano playing. She was an inspiration and blessing, as was Meredith, to the Chronopoulos family. My deepest sympathy and love, Carrie

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      Margaret Waterman


      Jan was a wonderful friend of my husband and me and a very talented pianist when we attended Lowell First Church for many years. She was always outgoing and welcoming to everyone she met – and the Light of Christ shined through her life. We want to extend our deepest sympathy to Meredith and all those who loved her. Though she is gone from us, we know she is now in the arms of her Savior in heaven today.

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